Spring 2019 Events

Sunday Conversations:

Some weeks we hold conversations and special events after the worship service.

Coming up soon:

Bistro Night  Monday, May 13, 8:30-9:30 pm in the Founders Room at Anabel Taylor. Join us for a study break during exam week with pizza provided by the PCM board.

 PCM also holds a weekly Bible study and book group.

Here’s what we did earlier this Semester…

 PCM’s Service Retreat was during Spring Break, March 31-April 7, 2019. We traveled to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, an Oglala Lakota Native American reservation located in South Dakota.

Other events:

Saturday, March 9th— Bowling at Atlas Bowl in Trumansburg.

On March 3rd, a group of PCM’ers saw Vance Gilbert atBound for Glory,the live broadcast folk music program held here in the library of Anabel Taylor Hall every Sunday.

March 10 “Adam and Eve: Naked and Not Afraid”
After Taryn’s sermon on Genesis 3, Carol Hockett of the Johnson Art Museum introduced us to a new show there, “Undressed: The Nude in Context,” and we discussed different artists’ interpretation of the story.

Feb. 17 & March 17 “On the Far Side”
Dr. Ken Hover, who is a professor in the civil engineering department as well as a lay preacher in the United Methodist Church, joined us for these 2 sessions about multiple references to “the far side” in scripture – from the Psalms and the Gospels.  A longtime friend of the PCM community, Dr. Hover’s conversations with us are always engaging.

Mac n’ Cheese Bowl – For many years, PCM has helped set up for this fundraiser for Foodnet/Meals on Wheels.  We always stay to sample the food from local Ithaca restaurants! Saturday morning, March 23.

 “Conversations for an Engaged Community” is a series of community lectures addressing broad topics of social justice, the environment, and the arts, offered by Forest Home Chapel and co-sponsored by PCM. Talks are held at 7 PM Thursdays at Forest Home Chapel

March 14:  “Global Food Security: Challenges of the 21st Century,” by Chris Barrett, professor of applied economics whose work addressing global poverty has been profoundly shaped by his faith.

April 18: “Mother is Not Herself: Coping with the earth’s predictable and harsh response to the altering of our atmosphere,” by Don Barber.